Tuesday, November 01, 2005

The Most Frightening Halloween Ever

Last night, my level 22 character is killing mobs in Redridge despite horrendous lag.

I feel like I've done this before.

Indeed, the lag is back.

For roughly the first three months after World of Warcraft was released, our server was laggy nearly all the time. Unplayably laggy -- you could spend five minutes trying to loot a corpse, and eventually have to alt-f4 out of the game (logging out didn't work because of the lag).

Then Blizzard opened up a transfer from our server to another, and I guess enough people left, and things have been bearable to good ever since.

Well, not quite 'ever since'. The lag resurfaced suddenly about a month ago. It came at a bad time, and it has kept my guild from advancing further in PvE content. We lose a few nights every week to lag, and that's just enough to keep us from moving forward.

But that lag is just junior league lag, soft lag, if you will. Two to ten seconds after you cast a spell, the spell finally casts. That's frustrating but can be overcome occasionally. Last night was an entirely different matter. It was 'hard lag', the one where you spend five minutes looting and then have to alt-f4 because you can't log out lag.

I can only take so much of this.


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